21 Day Blitz Challenge - Every Patient, Every Day
Resource Page

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Purchase the 21 Day Blitz Challenge Everyday Patient Everyday Bundle below↓

Use the following talking points and example script when communicating the benefits of the 21 Day Blitz Challenge to your clinic's patients: 

Example Script: “While we work together to fix your (condition here), it’s important that we also get a jumpstart on your health from the inside-out. To make the process as easy to follow as possible, I’m going to recommend a challenge that will help you reprogram your cravings, making it easier to stick with a healthy lifestyle.

The 21 Day Blitz Challenge has 3 simple components. First, I will provide you with a booklet that contains simple rules you must follow to begin to reprogram your unhealthy cravings, such as not eating white flour, no carbonated drinks, and monitoring your sugar intake. The booklet also contains a calendar so that you can track your progress for 21 days, the amount of time it takes to create new habits. 

Second, I will provide you with a Flora Blitz 100 pak which contains individual packets with capsules full of healthy bacteria, or probiotics. You will take 2 packets a day for the first 9 days of the challenge, and then reduce to 1 packet a day for the remaining 12 days. 

Lastly, I will provide you with a bottle of Optimal 1 Digestion. Taking 1 capsule with each meal will help you to fully break down the foods you eat into nutrients that your body can use to heal.

By introducing new healthy bacteria into your body, working to change your eating habits, and fully breaking down the food you eat, we will be able to reprogram your gut to crave healthy foods, making it easier to continue with a new, healthier lifestyle. 

Would you prefer for me to text or email you the prescription? (get phone number or email address to send script) Once you receive the text (or email) from me, simply click the link which will send you to the checkout page, purchase the challenge and products included, and it will be shipped straight to your door.”
Talking Points:
  • Optimal 1 Digestion contains all of the plant enzymes needed to break down any type of food into usable forms, which also helps to eliminate bloating, gas, indigestion, heartburn, and food sensitivities (gluten, lactose intolerance, etc.) (Most other digestive enzyme products do not contain ALL of the enzymes needed.)
  • ​You’ll be able to easily track your progress within the challenge’s booklet that is provided.
  • ​The different kinds of bacteria within your gut actually crave different foods, depending on what it’s used to you feeding it. If you find yourself craving unhealthy foods, it’s actually the flora within your intestines that signals the cravings. By introducing a ton of brand new, unbiased flora to your intestines, it allows you to decide what those new bacteria crave, depending on what you feed them. By following the challenges rules and cutting out bad foods (white flour, excess sugar, carbonation, etc.), the new flora will be programmed to crave healthy foods.
  • ​The probiotics within the Flora Blitz 100 Pak are patented to be heat and acid stabilized, meaning they will be able to make it past the heat and acidity of the stomach.

When you're ready to promote the 21 Day Blitz Challenge online through social media, please use the following provided graphics: 

* Right click on image (desktop) or hold down on image (phone) to save for future use.

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "If you can make it through this challenge, you can biohack your body to stick to a healthier, happier dietary lifestyle to gain more energy, vitality, and mobility than you have had for years. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Give yourself a better chance to develop permanent, healthy dietary habits with the 21-Day Blitz Challenge, a complete program with a health guidebook, needed supplements, bag, and pill pouch. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "This powerful program allows for easier weight management by delivering a surge of healthy bacteria to kill off the bad bacteria triggering unhealthy cravings. This creates a blank microbiome slate that allows you to give yourself a chance to develop permanent, healthy dietary habits. The 21-Day Blitz Challenge will teach you how to make that change without going hungry and while loving everything on your plate, too. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Did you know that you’re not the one craving sugar and greasy food; it’s the bad bacteria in your gut that survive and thrive off junk food? It would make sense to clear out the bad bacteria if you wanted to kick those cravings to the curb and have greater success with healthy habits. The 21-Day Blitz Challenge not only supplies your body with the nutrients needed to reset your gut’s micro-biome but also provides a guidebook to help you successfully maintain a healthy lifestyle. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Bad bacteria in your gut thrive off of junk food and love when your brain tells your body that you’re in emotional turmoil. They make you crave sugar, grease, and carbs so that they can continue to survive and block off serotonin from leaving to make you feel better. Kick the bad bacteria to the curb and flood your gut with good bacteria that want to maintain healthy eating habits and help you be happier! The 21-Day Blitz provides you with the knowledge and tools to make a real difference in your quality of life. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Enjoy being able to maintain a successful healthy lifestyle change like Mike and many others have from taking the 21-Day Blitz Challenge! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"

When you're ready to promote the 21 Day Blitz Challenge online through email marketing, please use the following email scripts: 

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

Email #1

SUBJECT LINE: I have a recommendation

PREVIEW TEXT: Get a jump start on your health from the inside out


It’s important that we also get a jump start on your health from the inside out.

That’s why I’m recommending a 21-Day Challenge that will help you reprogram your cravings, making it easier to stick with a healthy lifestyle.

The challenge has 3 parts:

1.) A booklet with simple rules you must follow to begin to reprogram your unhealthy cravings, like not eating white flour, no carbonated drinks, and monitoring your sugar intake. It also has a calendar so you can easily track your progress.

2. ) A Flora Blitz 100 pak which contains individual packets with capsules full of healthy bacteria (probiotics). You will take 2 packets a day for the first 9 days of the challenge, and then reduce to 1 packet a day for the remaining 12 days.

3. ) A bottle of Optimal 1 Digestion. Taking 1 capsule with each meal will help you to fully break down the foods you eat into nutrients that your body can use to heal.

By introducing new healthy bacteria into your body, working to change your eating habits, and fully breaking down the food you eat, we will be able to reprogram your gut to crave healthy foods, making it easier to continue with a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Give yourself a better chance to develop permanent, healthy dietary habits with the 21-Day Blitz Challenge.

Buy Now [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Here to help,

[your name here]

Email #2

SUBJECT LINE: Why you need friendly bacteria

PREVIEW TEXT: Signs that your gut’s microbiome is off


Did you know that you’re not the one craving sugar and greasy food; it’s the bad bacteria in your gut that survive and thrive off junk food?

When you feel the craving for unhealthy food, it’s a sign that your gut’s microbiome is off and harmful bacteria have taken over. If this imbalance continues, it has been shown that it can lead to a wide range of disorders including, weakened immune system, obesity, neurodegenerative issues, depression, and much more.

The 21-Day Blitz Challenge delivers a surge of healthy bacteria to kill off the bad bacteria. This creates a blank microbiome slate that allows you to give yourself a chance to develop permanent, healthy dietary habits.

If you follow the challenge and begin to cut out unhealthy foods from your diet (white flour, excess sugar, carbonation, etc.), this will program the new gut bacteria to crave healthy foods and you thrive.

The 21-Day Blitz Challenge will teach you how to successfully make that change in lifestyle without going hungry and while loving everything on your plate, too.

Biohack your body to stick to a healthier, happier dietary lifestyle to gain more energy, vitality, and mobility!

Will you take the challenge?

Buy Here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Take care,

[your name here]

Email #3

SUBJECT LINE: Why I believe this will help

PREVIEW TEXT: With confidence, I recommend the 21-Day Blitz Challenge


I’m reaching out to you with this email because I genuinely care about you and your health.

With confidence, I recommend the 21-Day Blitz Challenge from Optimal Health Systems.

The 21-Day Blitz Challenge will provide you with the knowledge and tools to make a real difference in your quality of life.

Our clinic uses products from OHS because they create their supplements with whole food natural ingredients, rather than synthetic alternatives. That, and their Opti-Blend formula they put into their products allows for the nutrients to be faster absorbed and utilized in your body.

I wanted to share a few key things about this particular challenge (vs other options):

The probiotics within the Flora Blitz 100 Pak are patented to be heat and acid stabilized to make it through your entire GI Tract. Most other probiotics don’t have that capability, rendering them useless.

Optimal 1 Digestion contains all the plant enzymes needed to break down food into usable forms, which helps to eliminate bloating, gas, indigestion, heartburn, and food sensitivities (gluten, lactose intolerance, etc.).

Other people have had great success with the 21-Day Blitz Challenge and recommend it as well!

Rise to the challenge! Buy Here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Yours in health,

[your name here]

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