Opti-Adrenal - Every Patient, Every Day
Resource Page

Click Below to Access Opti-Adrenal's Flyer and Poster to Use Within Your Clinic

Purchase Opti-Adrenal Every Patient Everyday Bundle below↓

Use the following talking points and example script when communicating the benefits of Opti-Adrenal to your clinic's patients: 

Example Script: "While we work together to fix your (condition here), I want to ensure that your body is able to heal from the inside out. To aid in your healing it’s extremely important that we nutritionally support and strengthen your adrenal glands. 

Adrenal glands contribute to and are essential to your health. If your adrenal glands are overworked, they can become weakened and less able to due their important job of producing and regulating hormones within the body.

Our goal is to promote the body’s ability to repair the adrenal glands and increase energy levels by using key whole food ingredients that are predigested. I’m going to prescribe you Opti-Adrenal which will nutritionally support your adrenals so that they can provide and regulate your energy throughout the entire day, while also reversing the impact that habits such as taking in too much synthetic caffeine or high levels of stress can cause. Take 2 capsules in the morning and again in the evening. 

I have a bottle that you can purchase from us here in the clinic today. (have them purchase 1 bottle on the spot off clinic shelf) But to ensure that you don't run out, I'll also send you a text or email with a link to purchase it with a special discount and on subscription so that it's delivered to your door automatically each month.

 Would you prefer for me to text or email you the prescription? (get phone number or email address to send script) Once you receive the text (or email) from me, simply click the link which will send you to the checkout page, purchase the product, and it will be shipped straight to your door.”

Talking Points: 

  • The adrenal glands require vitamin C to stay healthy and to manufacture the adrenal hormones that cope with stress, particularly cortisol. The more cortisol in the body, the more vitamin C used. Opti-Adrenal provides close to 300% of the RDA of vitamin C.
  • ​Opti-Adrenal gives the nutrients needed for your body to regulate it's own energy levels, rather than having to rely on outside sources for energy. (Plus, there's no crash.)
  • ​A healthy physical and emotional response to stress will naturally develop as you take Opti-Adrenal. 

When you're ready to promote Opti-Adrenal online through social media, please use the following provided graphics: 

* Right click on image (desktop) or hold down on image (phone) to save for future use.

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Between prolonged stress and caffeine or other synthetic stimulants, life, in general, can cause a lot of damage to your adrenal glands. Luckily, that damage can be reversed. Opti-Adrenal uses whole food nutrients to repair the damage done to your adrenal glands and provides you with natural, healthy energy. Give your adrenal glands the relief they’ve been seeking and get Opti-Adrenal today! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "You can get energy from a variety of different sources, and the adrenal glands are one of them. However, they suffer a lot when we use synthetic stimulants. Opti-Adrenal strengthens your adrenal glands, helping them to give you natural energy again. Heal the damage that’s been done to your adrenal glands, energize the way your body intended, and reap the health benefits with Opti-Adrenal.[enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "The adrenal glands assist in far more than just managing stress levels. Because of stimulants and experiencing prolonged stress on a regular basis, large amounts of strain are placed on the adrenal glands, causing them to function at a lower capacity. Using the whole food nutrients in Opti-Adrenal can prevent and heal the damage done to the adrenal glands. Raise your energy levels, lower stress, and improve your health with Opti-Adrenal today! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Caffeine gives us a good boost of energy when we need it, however, it doesn’t last. You crash eventually and then the dosing has to increase the more you use it or else it isn’t as effective. That’s because your adrenal glands become shot. Opti-Adrenal restores your adrenal glands, raises your energy levels naturally, and enables your body to remain energized on its own. That way you get energy WITHOUT the crash. So put the caffeine down and get some Opti-Adrenal now! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Have you noticed that emotional stress can wear you down physically? That’s because it causes your adrenal glands to work overtime which can lead to a weakened immune system, impaired mental functioning, poor sleep quality, worsening depression, and more. Lift the load your adrenal glands are carrying and start using Opti-Adrenal! Functioning adrenals are the key to a healthy physical and emotional response to stress. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Renew your energy with Opti-Adrenal. It’s AMAZING what it can do! Let it work wonders for you too. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"

When you're ready to promote Opti-Adrenal online through email marketing, please use the following email scripts: 

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

Email #1

SUBJECT LINE: How’s your energy?

PREVIEW TEXT: Are you able to make it through the day ok?


I want to ensure that your energy levels are healthy.

You can get energy from a variety of different sources, and one of them is produced from your body naturally in the adrenal glands.

Between prolonged stress and caffeine or other synthetic stimulants, life, in general, can cause a lot of damage to your adrenal glands.

Luckily, that damage can be reversed.
Opti-Adrenal uses whole food nutrients to repair the damage done to your adrenal glands and provides you with natural, healthy energy that will last throughout the entire day.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is give yourself a therapeutic dose of nutrients. This helps your body catch up, fully heal and get ahead of the game, so that you can continue doing you.

Not only will properly functioning adrenals help increase your energy, but it’s also the key to a healthy physical and emotional response to stress.

Heal the damage that’s been done to your adrenal glands, energize the way your body intended, and reap the health benefits with Opti-Adrenal.

Buy Here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Here to help,

[your name here]

Email #2

SUBJECT LINE: The best energy source

PREVIEW TEXT: Your body already contains it


I hope you’re doing well and have enough energy to last throughout the day.

Speaking of energy, naturally, your body has a lot of means to help you produce energy and manage stress–your adrenal glands are a big one (metaphorically speaking).

These two small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys assist in far more than energy and stress levels though.

Your adrenal glands can help stabilize blood pressure, strengthen immunity, promote metabolism regulation, and boost mental functioning. So, it’s important to keep these glands running healthy!

Prolonged stress, caffeine, and synthetic stimulants can all cause your adrenal glands to work overtime into adrenal fatigue.

Unfortunately whenever people are fatigued, many turn to caffeine to get them through the day. Which gives us a good boost of energy when we need it but doesn’t last. You crash eventually and then the dosing has to increase the more you use it or else it isn’t as effective.

Our goal is to promote the body’s ability to repair the adrenal glands and increase energy levels.

Opti-Adrenal does exactly that by using natural, whole-food ingredients. That way you get maintainable energy WITHOUT the crash.

How does it work? By providing four primary ingredients that support renewed adrenal function:

Vitamin C - Stress accelerates vitamin C depletion. Provide your body with more vitamin C and help the adrenals manufacture hormones that cope with stress

Riboflavin - An important nutrient used to make cellular energy molecules, as well as, help calm and maintain a healthy nervous system

Vitamin B6 - Used to improve your metabolic pathways to boost your energy levels and acts in several of the pathways that are used to create adrenal hormones

Vitamin B5 - commonly referred to as an anti-stress vitamin that aids in proper adrenal gland function

Made with powerful nutrients, I recommend Opti-Adrenal because I know it works to improve energy.

Give your adrenal glands the relief they’ve been seeking.

Get Opti-Adrenal Today - Click Here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Take care,

[your name here]

Email #3

SUBJECT LINE: Why I believe this will help

PREVIEW TEXT: With confidence, I recommend this energy booster


I’m reaching out to you with this email because I genuinely care about you and your health.

As one of my patients, I want you to enjoy your life with natural energy.

With confidence, I recommend Opti-Adrenal from Optimal Health Systems.

Using the whole food nutrients in Opti-Adrenal can prevent and heal the damage done to the adrenal glands, giving you natural energy again.

Our clinic uses products from OHS because they create their supplements with whole food natural ingredients, rather than synthetic alternatives. That, and their Opti-Blend formula they put into their products allows for the nutrients to be faster absorbed and utilized in your body.

I wanted to share a few key things about this particular product:

It nutritionally promotes a healthier stress response

-It supports consistent energy without the crash

Other people have had great success with Opti-Adrenal and recommend it as well!

"After a few days I could definitely feel increased stamina from taking Opti-Adrenal." - Sherry E. 

Raise your energy levels, lower stress, and improve your health with Opti-Adrenal today!

Buy Here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Yours in health,

[your name here]

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