Essential DAK1K2 - Every Patient, Every Day
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Access Essential DAK1K2's Flyer and Poster to Use Within Your Clinic

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Purchase the Essential DAK1K2 Every Patient Everyday Bundle below↓

Use the following talking points and example script when communicating the benefits of Essential DAK1K2 to your clinic's patients: 

Example Script: "While we work together to fix your (condition here), I want to ensure that your body is able to heal from the inside out. To do this, we first need to ensure that your body has the nutrients it needs to begin the healing process.

I'm going to prescribe you a whole food formula called Essential DAK1K2 that contains the four nutrients most individuals are deficient in, Vitamin D, A, K1, and K2. Take 1 capsule morning and night.

I have a bottle that you can purchase from us here in the clinic today. (have them purchase 1 bottle on the spot off clinic shelf) But to ensure that you don't run out, I'll also send you a text or email with a link to purchase it with a special discount and on subscription so that it's delivered to your door automatically each month.

Would you prefer for me to text you the link or send it to your email? (get phone number and/or email address to send Essential DAK1K2 Autoship recommendation through Direct Script)

Talking Points: 

  • Vitamin D helps to support organ and gland health. 
  • Vitamin K2 works with Vitamin D to help ensure that calcium is removed from the blood stream and instead, utilized by the bones. 
  • Vitamin K1 plays a vital role in blood clot prevention, bone metabolism, and regulating blood calcium levels. 
  • ​Vitamin A supports a healthy immune system, proper bone growth and development, and reduced the risk of fractures. 

When you're ready to promote Essential DAK1K2 online through social media, please use the following provided graphics: 

* Right click on image (desktop) or hold down on image (phone) to save for future use.

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Each vitamin in this blend works synergistically to benefit you. Vitamin D3 needs Vitamins K1 and K2 to fully function, and Vitamin A reinforces all three. Together these vitamins fill nutrient gaps that most people have and strengthen immunity. Fill your nutrient gaps and boost your immunity today using DAK1K2! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "These four vitamins are vital for overall health and are also the ones that most people are deficient in. Don’t let the risk of disease creep into your life due to deficiencies. Get Essentials DAK1K2! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Vitamin D is listed as one of the most important vitamins your body needs and for good reason. It helps with multiple different functions, including:
  ➡️ Supporting immune, brain, and nervous system health
➡️ Regulating insulin levels
➡️ Reducing risk of depression
➡️ Supporting lung function and heart health
➡️ Promoting healthy bones and teeth

However, without Vitamins K1 and K2, Vitamin D cannot work properly. 😧

This amazing product, Essential DAK1K2 also includes Vitamin A as another important synergistic element to boost these benefits. 

Give your body the vitamins it needs with DAK1K2! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Take advantage of nutrient synergy with potent therapeutic amounts of an essential 4-in-1 vitamin supplement. Get Essentials DAK1K2! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "There are plenty of whole food supplements out there, but only Optimal Health Systems takes it a step further with its pre-digestion process called Opti-Blend™. It utilizes a combination of 10 kosher-certied, non- GMO enzymes, and patented organic minerals to predigest every nutrient before encapsulating. This increases the nutrient’s absorption to 300%, allowing the vitamins to get to work faster! Benefit from getting these vitamins pre-digested with Essentials DAK1K2! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Join the multitude of people that are benefiting from this amazing 4-in-1 supplement. Get Essentials DAK1K2! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"

When you're ready to promote Essential DAK1K2 online through email marketing, please use the following email scripts: 

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

Email #1

SUBJECT LINE: I have a recommendation

PREVIEW TEXT: It will help fill in the gaps and promote overall health


It’s crucial that we work on maintaining your health from the inside out. One of the biggest concerns we see, over and over, is a deficiency in a few essential vitamins.

One of these has been in the news quite a bit recently since deficiency in this vitamin is associated with a high risk of hospitalization from COVID-19: that is, Vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread in the US (approximately 77% of the population is deficient to a certain extent). There are similar problems with Vitamin K1, K2, and Vitamin A.

The simplest way to treat this issue is with an effective, absorbable supplement.

That’s why I’m recommending Essential DAK1K2 [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script] from Optimal Health Systems.

Essential DAK1K2 is made with whole food ingredients and contains the 4 nutrients that people are the most deficient in (Vitamins D, K1, K2, and just enough Vitamin A). These nutrients work together to support healthy bones, muscles, and other tissues, as well as a strong immune system.

Most people go deficient in these 4 nutrients unnoticed for so long that they need a therapeutic dose to help the body recover and reach optimal health.

To repair or prevent deficiency in your body, I recommend taking one capsule twice a day, morning and evening.

Purchase Essential DAK1K2 here. [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Here to help,

[your name here]

Email #2

SUBJECT LINE: These deficiencies need to be addressed.

PREVIEW TEXT: Research shows raising Vitamin D levels could decrease COVID mortalities.


Do you think of Vitamin D when you think of immunity?

If you don't, you should. Nearly all cell types involved in your body’s immune response have Vitamin D receptors.

So if there's not enough Vitamin D to go around in your body, your immunity suffers and leaves you vulnerable to virus attack.

It is not surprising that evidence—supported by independent studies from more than 20 countries—also points to high Vitamin D deficiency rates worsening the Covid-19 pandemic.

In fact, the results were so profound the researchers theorized that Covid-19 deaths would be virtually eliminated if Vitamin D3 levels could be raised significantly: “COVID-19 mortality risk correlates inversely with Vitamin D3 status, and a mortality rate close to zero could theoretically be achieved at 50 ng/ml,” the researchers wrote in their summary (from Endocrinology Today in September 2020).

When reaching for a supplement to help, please remember that using synthetic formulas of Vitamin D will NOT raise your levels. You need the real thing!

The difference-maker is taking a synergetic blend of natural ingredients that can be absorbed into your body! Essential DAK1K2 [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script] contains Vitamins D3, A, K1, and K2 (in MK-7 form) in a pre-digested and natural supplement, so the nutrients are ready to be utilized faster at a cellular level than most drug store options.

It’s important to get these 4 vitamins together to boost your immunity and overall health. Vitamin D cannot work properly without Vitamin K2 in MK-7 form and can actually create further deficiencies if not paired together.

So you can see why Optimal Health Systems has created a synergistic whole food supplement that can restore our deficiencies and help us avoid these unnecessary health issues.

Essential DAK1K2 works, quite simply, by providing easily absorbable, whole food forms of the 4 key vitamins that fill in the most common nutritional deficiencies.

I recommend that you purchase Essential DAK1K2 here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script] and take 1 capsule twice a day, morning and evening.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Here to help,

[your name here]

Email #3

SUBJECT LINE: Why I believe this will help

PREVIEW TEXT: With confidence, I recommend Essential DAK1K2


I’m reaching out to you with this email because I genuinely care about you and your health.

As one of my patients, I want you to enjoy your life free from disease, inflammation, and limiting effects that come with nutrient deficiencies.

With confidence that it can help you, I recommend Essential DAK1K2 [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script] from Optimal Health Systems.

I use products from OHS because they create supplements using whole food natural ingredients instead of synthetic alternatives. That, and their Opti-Blend formula, allows for the nutrients to be absorbed faster and utilized in your body, unlike many other supplements which simply pass through largely undigested.

These potent vitamins are pre-digested and provide complete doses of Vitamin A, D3, K1, and K2 (in MK-7 form) without creating an imbalance or oversupply.

Essential DAK1K2 [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script] capsules contain vitamins derived from vegan, whole food sources for a powerful, potent, and therapeutic dose of these vitamins that your body needs daily.

Easily get the benefits of plant-based ingredients and support your body with the nutrients it needs.

Order Essential DAK1K2 here. [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Yours in health,

[your name here]

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