Exposure Protection Pak - Every Patient, Every Day
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Purchase the Exposure Protection Pak Every Patient Everyday Bundle below↓

Use the following talking points and example script when communicating the benefits of the Exposure Protection Pak to your clinic's patients: 

Example Script: "While we work together to fix your (condition here), I want to ensure that your immune system is strong so that your body can focus on healing. Research clearly shows that certain vitamins, minerals, herbs and foods help protect and nutritionally support the immune system to fight against sickness, including COVID-19.

I’m going to prescribe you the Exposure Protection Pak, which combines patented organic zinc, magnesium and other minerals, elderberry and other antiviral herbs, high potency vitamin D, vitamin K2, ubiquinol, proven creatine nitrate and a 20 billion patented, stabilized probiotic blend into one convenient packet you can take anywhere, anytime. 

I’d like you to take 1 packet three times daily with meals for 10 days to really build your immune system. Then, for everyday protection, take 1 packet per day. 

Would you prefer for me to text or email you the prescription? (get phone number or email address to send script) Once you receive the text (or email) from me, simply click the link which will send you to the checkout page, purchase the product, and it will be shipped straight to your door."

Talking Points: 

  • Contains a wide range of all-natural, whole food vitamins and organic minerals to boost your body’s overall health, including a specific form of vitamin D3 which is one of the best nutrients you can provide your body during times of illness.
  • ​Contains whole food nitrates to increase circulation and bolster the immune system.
  • ​Contains a full range of acid and heat stabilized probiotics to ensure that the second defense system (healthy gut lining) is intact. (Heat and acid stabilization allows probiotics to make it through the heat and acidity in the stomach and into the intestines where they do their job. Other products do not have this ability.)
  • ​All ingredients are pre-digested to ensure that the body is able to immediately absorb them at the highest potency and get to work.

When you're ready to promote the Exposure Protection Pak online through social media, please use the following provided graphics: 

* Right click on image (desktop) or hold down on image (phone) to save for future use.

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "The nutrients in this pak have been carefully selected and proven by research to nutritionally support your body in defending against COVID and recovering from oncoming pathogens. It is crucial to have this pak if you are sick because of its ability to nourish your body and fight against the illness at the same time. Your body needs assistance doing both to be able to recover faster. Gain the nutritional support you need during this time and get the Exposure Protection Pak today! [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "For some people, COVID/Flu symptoms don’t hit hard, but for others, they are severe. The fever, coughs, chills, aches, and overall pain can last weeks. Nutritionally support your immune system in protecting from or ridding of those viruses with the Exposure Protection Pak. Get the pak today and ease the effect that COVID has on your body. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Your body fights hard for your health and uses a lot of nutrients to fight against illness in the process. In fact, so many nutrients go into fighting the illness that there aren’t enough to help the rest of your body function normally. The Exposure Protection Pak fights off the illness with proven nutrients against the current pandemic viruses and fills your body with those depleted nutrients to keep you running normally. Help protect yourself against viruses and support your body with the Exposure Protection Pak. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Bottles can get inconvenient to carry around with you and become burdensome to separate everything into daily dosages. It takes time to organize! The Exposure Protection Pak has each dose already made into little packets for your convenience. That way you can just grab and go! Save time and fill your body with the whole food nutrients that each packet in the Exposure Protection Pak provides. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "With all the research done on COVID to slow its spread, one thing has been certain: there are specific nutrients that can help us fight it. The Exposure Protection Pak has all of those key nutrients proven to help support protection and recovery (if a virus has already sneaked past your defenses). They’ve combined three powerful whole food products along with high potency vitamin D3, pure creatine nitrate, and 20 billion CFU of stabilized probiotics into one convenient packet you can take anywhere, anytime. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"
EXAMPLE POST WORDING: "Whip your immune system right into shape with the Exposure Protection Pak like Bonnie! Let your body use these powerful nutrients to heal and protect itself. [enter clinic’s purchase preference here]"

When you're ready to promote the Exposure Protection Pak online through email marketing, please use the following email scripts: 

(online marketing is covered in detail in Step 4 of the Stairway to Health)

Email #1

SUBJECT LINE: How strong is your immune system?

PREVIEW TEXT: Do you have what your body needs?


Research clearly shows that specific vitamins, minerals, herbs, and foods help protect and nutritionally support the immune system to fight against virus illnesses, including COVID-19.

I want to ensure that your immune system is strengthened so that you can spend time on things that are important to you and not on time worrying about or suffering from a virus.

For a strong immune system, your body needs those certain nutrients.

The Exposure Protection Pak has them. It provides 35+ proven powerful immune-boosting nutrients from whole-food ingredients. Here are a few:

-Patented organic zinc, magnesium, and other minerals
-Elderberry and other antiviral herbs
-High potency vitamin D and vitamin K2
-Ubiquinol and creatine nitrate
-A patented stabilized 20 billion probiotic blend

All into convenient packets you can take anywhere, anytime.

I know that bottles can get inconvenient to carry around with you and become burdensome to separate everything into daily dosages. That’s why I really like this product—that and the fact that it has already helped so many people.

For your health, I’d like you to take one packet three times daily with meals for ten days to really build your immune system.

Gain the nutritional support you need during this time and get the Exposure Protection Pak today!

If you haven’t already, you can purchase the Exposure Protection Pak here. [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Here to help,

[your name here]

Email #2

SUBJECT LINE: Exposure is inevitable

PREVIEW TEXT: but illness isn’t


I hope you’re doing well and have your health with you.

For some people, COVID/Flu symptoms don’t hit hard, but for others, they are severe. The fever, coughs, chills, aches, and overall pain can last weeks.

I don’t want that to happen to you or anyone you care about.

At a basic level, the ingredients within the Exposure Protection Pak can help your body to fight off and protect against viruses by strengthening and supporting all the systems involved with immune defense.

The Exposure Protection Pak contains:
-A wide range of all-natural, whole food vitamins and organic minerals to boost your body’s overall health
-A specific form of vitamin D3 which is one of the best nutrients you can provide your body during times of illness
-Whole food nitrates to increase circulation and bolster the immune system
-A complete probiotics range ensures that the second defense system (healthy gut lining) is intact. These are heat and acid stabilization which allows them to make it through the stomach and into the intestines, where they do their job. (Other products we’ve considered do not have this ability.)

I’m recommending it to you because I have seen and personally felt the difference it can make in immune system strength.

All the ingredients in this Pak are pre-digested to ensure that the body can immediately absorb them at the highest potency and get to work.

Nutritionally support your immune system in protecting from or ridding of those viruses with the Exposure Protection Pak.

Purchase Here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Take care,

[your name here]

Email #3

SUBJECT LINE: Had enough of COVID?

PREVIEW TEXT: As a Health Professional…


As a Health Professional, the recent virus outbreaks have had me concerned. Not because I was uncertain what to do, but because I felt responsible for my patient’s health.

I want my patients to be able to rely on me to help them through this time.

Countless studies and research has gone into what can be proven to aid in the protection of and recovery from COVID-19 and other virus strains. One thing has been certain: there are specific nutrients that can help us fight it.

Optimal Health Systems has stayed on top of those studies as they have come out and formulated a complete immune support aid made from natural ingredients of the top 35+ proven nutrients.

Your body fights hard for your health and uses a lot of nutrients to protect against illness in the process. In fact, so many nutrients go to fighting off viruses that there aren’t enough to help the rest of your body function normally. This can’t be allowed to happen.

The Exposure Protection Pak fights off the illness with proven nutrients against the current pandemic viruses and fills your body with those depleted nutrients to keep you running normally.

Our clinic trusts in products from OHS because they create their supplements with whole food natural ingredients rather than synthetic alternatives. That, and their Opti-Blend formula they put into their products allows for the nutrients to be faster absorbed and utilized in your body.

Trust me and take the Exposure Protection Pak for your immune health.

Buy Here [<-- hyperlink with your Affiliate link from Direct Script]

Yours in health,

[your name here]

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